Los Angeles: The Los Angeles Police
Department would like to compliment the public on a safe, successful
and peaceful Downtown Art Walk last night. Once again we demonstrated
that Los Angeles is a world class City where people with diverse
backgrounds and ideologies can enjoy a peaceful evening together.
On Thursday, August 9, 2012, the Los Angeles Downtown Art District
hosted the Art Walk as it has for the past eight years in the downtown
corridor. The public travelled from all parts of regions as well as
hundreds of visitors from foreign countries who strolled through the
galleries, eateries and shops along the four blocks of Spring Street.
For those who attended, they saw a friendly presence of Los Angeles
Police Officers strolling among them and staged at intersections to
ensure public safety as pedestrians and vehicles moved along from block
to block along the heavily congested Art Walk.
interaction between the public and the police was pleasant, and there
seemed to be a common thread of enjoyment by all in attendance. There
were numerous comments from the public that even the officers, who were
clad in their blue uniforms displayed a sense of enjoyment among the
throngs who gathered. Whether walking a foot-beat, riding atop
horseback or perched over the seat of a bicycle, it was an evening that
was interactive, public friendly and fitting of this monthly downtown
“The motto of the Los Angeles Police Department is “to Protect and to Serve”
and last night was truly a hallmark example of just how well the men
and women of this fine Department embody that motto” said Assistant
Chief Earl Paysinger. “The Los Angeles Police Department is a leader in
protecting not only the public safety but also the rights of ALL
person’s as long as those rights are expressed in a lawful manner”.
Chief Paysinger added, “last night was a success because the public made
the event a success. Those who participated in the Art Walk as well
as those who participated in other activities including those that
occurred in Pershing Square, were able to coexist in exemplary
fashion.” The six-hour event resulted in no arrests and no reportable
incidents, a truly successful event in downtown Los Angeles.