Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chief of Police responds to Officer Involved Use of Force Incident in Foothill Area

Los Angeles:  On August 21, 2012, Los Angeles Police Officers assigned to Foothill Area conducted a traffic stop which resulted in a use of force incident.  The officers reported the incident to a supervisor  who conducted an investigation into the incident which included obtaining a video from a nearby business.  Based upon his investigation, the supervisor became concerned, informed his command and initiated a personnel complaint.

One week later, Chief of Police Charlie Beck became aware of the incident and after reviewing the video had significant concerns about the propriety of the use of force.  He immediately removed the officers from field duties and assigned one of the officers to home.  Additionally, the Chief directed that Internal Affairs Group initiate a criminal and administrative investigation.

The Chief has mandated that the video be played at all roll calls and that Commanding Officers attend and discuss use of force issues throughout the Department.

Chief Beck said, “I have serious concerns about this incident and I believe the Commanding Officer of Foothill Area was severely deficient in his response.  Proper steps were not taken, including appropriate notifications and the removal of the involved officers from the field.  Because of these issues, I have removed him from his command and initiated downgrade procedures.  Every Los Angeles Police Officer, regardless of rank, will be held accountable for their actions.”