Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Los Angeles Security Guard Service

Do you need Security Guard Service in Los Angeles? ABA Protection can help you right away!
(661) 312-1993 PPO # 17007
We specialize in Security Patrol Services and uniformed armed and unarmed security guards. Our patrol officers are trained, licensed and meet all California State requirements for Private Security. ABA Protection requires all officers to maintain a valid driver's license and a clean driving record.  ABA Protection proudly represents from big to small-and medium-sized businesses as well as home owners association communities throughout  Los Angeles County. Professional attitude and friendly security guard service sets ABA Protection apart from its competition.
ABA Protection is introducing a new innovative way to solve full time security issues at a fraction of the cost. ABA Protection conferred with a reputable consulting agency to produce a leading edge program, to provide the presence of full time security to those companies and clients that are in need of a more customized approach to security concerns. We provide a cost-efficient and effective security solution program for every client. ABA Protection will provide you with a breakdown of our cost specifications. ABA maintains a philosophy that in order to retain the highest quality security professionals, we must compensate them for their qualifications.  Our cost structure allows us to provide our clients with a well-trained and compensated security professional.
(661) 312-1993 PPO # 17007